If you are a developer looking to integrate Locadapt into your local development workflow or test on non-production domains, follow these steps:

Adding Locadapt to your localhost project

Deploying to production

When deploying Locadapt to your own production site:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration page in your Locadapt dashboard.
  2. Go to the “Options” tab.
  3. Configure the allowed domains for your project (similar to CORS settings).
  4. You won’t need to use the secret key for your own production domains.

Testing on foreign production sites

Best practices

Use version control

Track changes and collaborate by keeping your Locadapt configuration in version control.

Secure your key

Never commit or share your local development key. Use environment variables or secure vaults for sensitive information.

Stay updated

Regularly check for updates to Locadapt’s scripts and documentation for the latest features and best practices.

Leverage our support

Reach out to our dedicated support team for any questions or assistance during your development process.

For more detailed information on integrating Locadapt into your development workflow, reach out to the team or check out the API Reference page.